Now never confuse between CSS classes and ID

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Now never confuse between CSS classes and ID


3 min read

While both are used for styling HTML elements in web development, they serve distinct purposes and have different implications for styling and element selection. Understanding these differences is fundamental for writing efficient and maintainable CSS code.

🤞Let's explore the distinctions between CSS classes and IDs and how to leverage them effectively in your web projects.

CSS Classes

1. Definition A CSS class is a reusable identifier that can be applied to one or more HTML elements. Classes are defined using the . (dot) notation in CSS.

2. Syntax To define a CSS class, use the following syntax:

.my-class {
    /* CSS properties */

Here, .my-class is the class selector.

3. Application

  • Apply a class to an HTML element using the class attribute:
<div class="my-class">Content</div>
  • Apply multiple classes by separating them with spaces:
<div class="class1 class2">Content</div>

4. Characteristics

  • Classes can be reused across different elements.

  • Multiple classes can be applied to the same element for combining styles.

  • Classes are ideal for styling groups of elements consistently.

5. Example

    .important {
        font-weight: bold;
        color: red;

<p class="important">This is an important message.</p>


1. Definition A CSS ID is a unique identifier for an HTML element. IDs are defined using the # (hash) notation in CSS.

2. Syntax To define a CSS ID, use the following syntax:

#my-id {
    /* CSS properties */

Here, #my-id is the ID selector.

3. Application

  • Apply an ID to an HTML element using the id attribute:
<div id="my-id">Content</div>

4. Characteristics

  • IDs should be unique within a single HTML document. They are intended for targeting a specific element uniquely.

  • IDs are more specific than classes and should generally be avoided for general styling purposes in favor of classes.

5. Example

    #header {
        background-color: #333;
        color: white;
        padding: 10px;

<div id="header">

Key Differences and Best Practices

1. Specificity:

  • IDs have higher specificity than classes. Avoid using IDs for styling elements unless they require unique styling.

2. Reusability:

  • Classes are reusable and can be applied to multiple elements, promoting consistency in styling.

3. JavaScript Use:

  • Classes are more suitable when elements might be targeted or manipulated using JavaScript, as they can be applied to multiple elements.

4. CSS Performance:

  • IDs can be faster for CSS selectors due to their higher specificity, but the difference is negligible in most cases.

5. Naming Conventions:

  • Use meaningful names for classes and IDs to enhance code readability and maintainability.

Understanding the differences between CSS classes and IDs is crucial for efficient and maintainable CSS code. Classes are reusable for multiple elements, while IDs are unique and more specific. Classes are ideal for consistent styling and JavaScript use, while IDs should be reserved for unique styling purposes. Choose meaningful names for both to enhance code readability.

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