Exploring Various Types of Angular Decorators

Exploring Various Types of Angular Decorators

Everything You Need to Know About Angular Decorators


3 min read

Decorators are one of the most fascinating and powerful features of Angular, a popular front-end framework for building modern web applications.

They play a crucial role in configuring and defining the behavior of classes, methods, properties, and parameters, enabling Angular to process and utilize these elements effectively.

Whether you are developing components, creating services, or implementing directives, decorators act as the glue that binds metadata to your Angular code.

In this article, we'll explore the different types of decorators in Angular and their purposes, complete with examples to help you understand their usage.

1. Class Decorators

  • Class decorators are the foundation of Angular development. They define what a class represents in the Angular ecosystem—be it a component, directive, pipe, or module.

  • Used to define the purpose of a class and configure it as a specific Angular artifact.

  • types of class decorators are @Component, @Directive, @Pipe, and @NgModule


  • @Component: Defines a class as a component.

        selector: 'app-example',
        templateUrl: './example.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
      export class ExampleComponent {}
  • @Directive: Defines a class as a directive.

        selector: '[appHighlight]'
      export class HighlightDirective {}
  • @Pipe: Marks a class as a pipe.

        name: 'customPipe'
      export class CustomPipe implements PipeTransform {
        transform(value: any): any {
          return value;
  • @NgModule: Defines a class as a module.

        declarations: [ExampleComponent],
        imports: [BrowserModule],
        bootstrap: [ExampleComponent]
      export class AppModule {}

2. Property Decorators

  • Property decorators are used to bind class properties to templates or directives, enhancing the communication between components.

  • Used to define metadata for properties inside a class.

  • example of property decorators are @Input and @Output decorators


  • @Input: Defines a property as an input binding.

      export class ChildComponent {
        @Input() data!: string;
  • @Output: Defines a property as an output binding.

      export class ChildComponent {
        @Output() notify = new EventEmitter<string>();

3. Method Decorators

  • Method decorators provide additional capabilities to class methods, such as handling events on the host element.

  • Used to add metadata to methods of a class.


  • @HostListener: Listens to events on the host element.

      export class ExampleDirective {
        @HostListener('click') onClick() {
          console.log('Element clicked!');

4. Parameter Decorators

  • Parameter decorators are useful for injecting dependencies into your classes, ensuring the seamless integration of services and external data.

  • Used to add metadata to constructor parameters.


  • @Inject: Injects a dependency into a constructor.

      import { Inject } from '@angular/core';
      export class ExampleService {
        constructor(@Inject('API_URL') private apiUrl: string) {}

5. Accessor Decorators

  • Accessor decorators bind class properties directly to the DOM, allowing for dynamic interactions and styling.

  • Used to define metadata for getter or setter methods of a class.


  • @HostBinding: Binds a host element property to a class property.

      export class ExampleDirective {
        @HostBinding('class.active') isActive = true;

Summary notes :

Decorator TypeExample DecoratorsPurpose
Class@Component, @Directive, @Pipe, @NgModuleMarks a class as a specific Angular artifact.
Property@Input, @OutputAdds metadata to properties.
Method@HostListenerAdds metadata to methods.
Parameter@InjectAdds metadata to constructor params.
Accessor@HostBindingBinds host properties to class fields.


Decorators are the backbone of Angular's functionality, providing a declarative way to define metadata and enhance the structure of your application.

By mastering decorators like @Component, @Input, @HostListener, and more, you can unlock the full potential of Angular and create robust, maintainable, and dynamic applications.

Understanding the purpose of each decorator and knowing when and how to use them can significantly improve your productivity as an Angular developer.

Keep experimenting with these decorators in your projects to get a deeper insight into their practical applications.

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