Table of contents
- Basic Function Questions
- 1. Write a function greet(name) that takes a name and returns "Hello, [name]!".
- 2. Write a function add(a, b) that returns the sum of two numbers.
- 3. Write a function isEven(num) that returns true if a number is even, else false.
- 4. Write a function maxOfTwo(a, b) that returns the larger number.
- 5. Write a function square(num) that returns the square of a number.
- 6. Write a function sumArray(arr) that returns the sum of an array of numbers.
- 7. Write a function reverseString(str) that returns a reversed string.
- 8. Write a function factorial(n) that returns the factorial of n.
- 9. Write a function isPalindrome(str) that checks if a string is a palindrome.
- 10. Write a function countVowels(str) that returns the number of vowels in a string.
- 11. Write a function findMax(arr) that returns the largest number in an array.
- 12. Write a function removeDuplicates(arr) that removes duplicate values from an array.
- 13. Write a function fibonacci(n) that returns the nth Fibonacci number.
- 14. Write a function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) that capitalizes the first letter of each word.
- 15. Write a function calculateArea(radius) that returns the area of a circle.
- 16. Write a function isPrime(num) that checks if a number is prime.
- 17. Write a function mergeArrays(arr1, arr2) that merges two arrays without duplicates.
- 18. Write a function sumDigits(num) that returns the sum of digits in a number.
- 19. Write a function chunkArray(arr, size) that splits an array into chunks.
- 20. Write a function debounce(func, delay) that prevents frequent function calls.
- 21. Write a function mapArray(arr, callback) that mimics
- 22. Write a function filterArray(arr, callback) that mimics Array.prototype.filter.
- 23. Write a function reduceArray(arr, callback, initialValue) that mimics Array.prototype.reduce.
- 24. Write a function compose(f, g) that composes two functions f(g(x)).
- 25. Write a function pipe(...functions) that applies functions in sequence from left to right.
- 26. Write a function memoize(fn) that optimizes expensive function calls by caching results.
- 27. Write a function once(fn) that ensures a function can only be called once.
- 28. Write a function curry(fn) that converts a function to curried form.
- 29. Write a function throttle(fn, limit) that limits function execution to once per interval.
- 30. Write a function delay(fn, ms) that delays the execution of a function by ms milliseconds.
- Advance JavaScript function-related questions
- 1. Write a function multiply(a, b) that returns the product of two numbers.
- 2. Write a function divide(a, b) that returns the quotient of two numbers (handle division by zero).
- 3. Write a function getFullName(firstName, lastName) that returns the full name.
- 4. Write a function isEven(num) that returns true if the number is even, false otherwise.
- 5. Write a function isOdd(num) that returns true if the number is odd, false otherwise.
- 6. Write a function sum(...args) that returns the sum of any number of arguments passed to it.
- 7. Write a function reverseString(str) that returns the reversed version of a string.
- 8. Write a function findMax(arr) that returns the largest number in an array.
- 9. Write a function findMin(arr) that returns the smallest number in an array.
- 10. Write a function countVowels(str) that returns the number of vowels in a string.
- 11. Write a function factorial(n) that returns the factorial of a number using recursion.
- 12. Write a function fibonacci(n) that returns the nth Fibonacci number using recursion.
- 13. Write a function getSquare(num) that returns the square of a number.
- 14. Write a function multiplyByTwo(arr) that multiplies each element of an array by 2.
- 15. Write a function isPalindrome(str) that checks if a string is a palindrome.
- 16. Write a function filterNumbers(arr) that filters out only the numbers from an array.
- 17. Write a function sumDigits(num) that returns the sum of the digits of a number.
- 18. Write a function convertToUpper(str) that converts a string to uppercase.
- 19. Write a function convertToLower(str) that converts a string to lowercase.
- 20. Write a function calculateArea(radius) that calculates the area of a circle.
- 21. Write a function sortArray(arr) that sorts an array in ascending order.
- 22. Write a function isLeapYear(year) that checks if a year is a leap year.
- 23. Write a function generateRandom(min, max) that generates a random number between min and max.
- 24. Write a function countWords(str) that counts the number of words in a string.
- 25. Write a function parseJSON(str) that parses a JSON string and handles errors.
- 26. Write a function convertToDate(str) that converts a string into a Date object.
- 27. Write a function generateID() that returns a random 8-character alphanumeric string.
- 28. Write a function addToArray(arr, item) that adds an item to the end of an array.
- 29. Write a function removeFromArray(arr, item) that removes an item from an array.
- 30. Write a function shuffleArray(arr) that shuffles the elements of an array randomly.
Hello all fellow programmers, In this guide, you'll find a collection of 50+ function-related coding questions, designed to help you master key concepts and techniques.
Each question is accompanied by a detailed answer, explaining the logic, steps, and best practices involved in solving it.
Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an experienced developer aiming to refine your skills, these questions cover a wide range of topics, from basic function syntax to advanced functional programming concepts. Let’s begin.
Basic Function Questions
1. Write a function greet(name)
that takes a name and returns "Hello, [name]!"
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
console.log(greet("Bob")); // Output: "Hello, Bob!"
2. Write a function add(a, b)
that returns the sum of two numbers.
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log(add(3, 5)); // Output: 8
3. Write a function isEven(num)
that returns true
if a number is even, else false
function isEven(num) {
return num % 2 === 0;
console.log(isEven(4)); // Output: true
console.log(isEven(7)); // Output: false
4. Write a function maxOfTwo(a, b)
that returns the larger number.
function maxOfTwo(a, b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
console.log(maxOfTwo(10, 20)); // Output: 20
5. Write a function square(num)
that returns the square of a number.
function square(num) {
return num * num;
console.log(square(5)); // Output: 25
6. Write a function sumArray(arr)
that returns the sum of an array of numbers.
function sumArray(arr) {
return arr.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num, 0);
console.log(sumArray([1, 2, 3, 4])); // Output: 10
7. Write a function reverseString(str)
that returns a reversed string.
function reverseString(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join('');
console.log(reverseString("hello")); // Output: "olleh"
8. Write a function factorial(n)
that returns the factorial of n
function factorial(n) {
return n === 0 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);
console.log(factorial(5)); // Output: 120
9. Write a function isPalindrome(str)
that checks if a string is a palindrome.
function isPalindrome(str) {
return str === str.split('').reverse().join('');
console.log(isPalindrome("madam")); // Output: true
10. Write a function countVowels(str)
that returns the number of vowels in a string.
function countVowels(str) {
return (str.match(/[aeiou]/gi) || []).length;
console.log(countVowels("hello world")); // Output: 3
11. Write a function findMax(arr)
that returns the largest number in an array.
function findMax(arr) {
return Math.max(...arr);
console.log(findMax([3, 7, 2, 8, 10])); // Output: 10
12. Write a function removeDuplicates(arr)
that removes duplicate values from an array.
function removeDuplicates(arr) {
return [ Set(arr)];
console.log(removeDuplicates([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5])); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
13. Write a function fibonacci(n)
that returns the nth Fibonacci number.
function fibonacci(n) {
return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Output: 8
14. Write a function capitalizeFirstLetter(str)
that capitalizes the first letter of each word.
function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
return str.replace(/\b\w/g, char => char.toUpperCase());
console.log(capitalizeFirstLetter("hello world")); // Output: "Hello World"
15. Write a function calculateArea(radius)
that returns the area of a circle.
function calculateArea(radius) {
return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);
console.log(calculateArea(5)); // Output: 78.54
16. Write a function isPrime(num)
that checks if a number is prime.
function isPrime(num) {
if (num < 2) return false;
for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
if (num % i === 0) return false;
return true;
console.log(isPrime(7)); // Output: true
17. Write a function mergeArrays(arr1, arr2)
that merges two arrays without duplicates.
function mergeArrays(arr1, arr2) {
return [ Set([...arr1, ...arr2])];
console.log(mergeArrays([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4])); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]
18. Write a function sumDigits(num)
that returns the sum of digits in a number.
function sumDigits(num) {
return [...num.toString()].reduce((sum, digit) => sum + parseInt(digit), 0);
console.log(sumDigits(123)); // Output: 6
19. Write a function chunkArray(arr, size)
that splits an array into chunks.
function chunkArray(arr, size) {
let chunked = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += size) {
chunked.push(arr.slice(i, i + size));
return chunked;
console.log(chunkArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2)); // Output: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
20. Write a function debounce(func, delay)
that prevents frequent function calls.
function debounce(func, delay) {
let timer;
return function (...args) {
timer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), delay);
// Example Usage
const logMessage = debounce(() => console.log("Executed"), 2000);
logMessage(); // Waits 2 seconds before executing
Higher-Order & Callback Function Questions
21. Write a function mapArray(arr, callback)
that mimics
function mapArray(arr, callback) {
let result = [];
for (let item of arr) {
return result;
console.log(mapArray([1, 2, 3], num => num * 2)); // Output: [2, 4, 6]
22. Write a function filterArray(arr, callback)
that mimics Array.prototype.filter
function filterArray(arr, callback) {
let result = [];
for (let item of arr) {
if (callback(item)) result.push(item);
return result;
console.log(filterArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], num => num % 2 === 0)); // Output: [2, 4]
23. Write a function reduceArray(arr, callback, initialValue)
that mimics Array.prototype.reduce
function reduceArray(arr, callback, initialValue) {
let accumulator = initialValue;
for (let item of arr) {
accumulator = callback(accumulator, item);
return accumulator;
console.log(reduceArray([1, 2, 3, 4], (sum, num) => sum + num, 0)); // Output: 10
24. Write a function compose(f, g)
that composes two functions f(g(x))
function compose(f, g) {
return function (x) {
return f(g(x));
// Example usage:
const addOne = x => x + 1;
const double = x => x * 2;
const addOneThenDouble = compose(double, addOne);
console.log(addOneThenDouble(5)); // Output: 12
25. Write a function pipe(...functions)
that applies functions in sequence from left to right.
function pipe(...functions) {
return function (value) {
return functions.reduce((acc, func) => func(acc), value);
// Example usage:
const increment = x => x + 1;
const triple = x => x * 3;
const square = x => x * x;
const pipeline = pipe(increment, triple, square);
console.log(pipeline(2)); // Output: 81
26. Write a function memoize(fn)
that optimizes expensive function calls by caching results.
function memoize(fn) {
let cache = {};
return function (...args) {
let key = JSON.stringify(args);
if (!cache[key]) {
cache[key] = fn(...args);
return cache[key];
// Example: Optimized factorial using memoization
const memoizedFactorial = memoize(factorial);
console.log(memoizedFactorial(5)); // Output: 120
console.log(memoizedFactorial(6)); // Output: 720 (faster since 5! is cached)
27. Write a function once(fn)
that ensures a function can only be called once.
function once(fn) {
let called = false;
return function (...args) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
return fn(...args);
// Example usage:
const logOnce = once(() => console.log("This runs only once"));
logOnce(); // Output: "This runs only once"
logOnce(); // No output
28. Write a function curry(fn)
that converts a function to curried form.
function curry(fn) {
return function curried(...args) {
if (args.length >= fn.length) {
return fn.apply(this, args);
} else {
return (...nextArgs) => curried(...args, ...nextArgs);
// Example usage:
const multiply = (a, b, c) => a * b * c;
const curriedMultiply = curry(multiply);
console.log(curriedMultiply(2)(3)(4)); // Output: 24
29. Write a function throttle(fn, limit)
that limits function execution to once per interval.
function throttle(fn, limit) {
let lastCall = 0;
return function (...args) {
const now =;
if (now - lastCall >= limit) {
lastCall = now;
// Example usage:
const logMessage = throttle(() => console.log("Throttled!"), 2000);
logMessage(); // Runs immediately
logMessage(); // Ignored if called before 2 seconds
30. Write a function delay(fn, ms)
that delays the execution of a function by ms
function delay(fn, ms) {
return function (...args) {
setTimeout(() => fn(...args), ms);
// Example usage:
const delayedHello = delay(() => console.log("Hello after 3 seconds"), 3000);
Advance JavaScript function-related questions
1. Write a function multiply(a, b)
that returns the product of two numbers.
function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;
console.log(multiply(3, 4)); // Output: 12
2. Write a function divide(a, b)
that returns the quotient of two numbers (handle division by zero).
function divide(a, b) {
if (b === 0) {
return 'Error: Division by zero';
return a / b;
console.log(divide(10, 2)); // Output: 5
console.log(divide(10, 0)); // Output: Error: Division by zero
3. Write a function getFullName(firstName, lastName)
that returns the full name.
function getFullName(firstName, lastName) {
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
console.log(getFullName("John", "Doe")); // Output: John Doe
4. Write a function isEven(num)
that returns true if the number is even, false otherwise.
function isEven(num) {
return num % 2 === 0;
console.log(isEven(4)); // Output: true
console.log(isEven(5)); // Output: false
5. Write a function isOdd(num)
that returns true if the number is odd, false otherwise.
function isOdd(num) {
return num % 2 !== 0;
console.log(isOdd(3)); // Output: true
console.log(isOdd(6)); // Output: false
6. Write a function sum(...args)
that returns the sum of any number of arguments passed to it.
function sum(...args) {
return args.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)); // Output: 10
7. Write a function reverseString(str)
that returns the reversed version of a string.
function reverseString(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join('');
console.log(reverseString("hello")); // Output: "olleh"
8. Write a function findMax(arr)
that returns the largest number in an array.
function findMax(arr) {
return Math.max(...arr);
console.log(findMax([1, 5, 3, 9])); // Output: 9
9. Write a function findMin(arr)
that returns the smallest number in an array.
function findMin(arr) {
return Math.min(...arr);
console.log(findMin([10, 3, 7, 5])); // Output: 3
10. Write a function countVowels(str)
that returns the number of vowels in a string.
function countVowels(str) {
return str.match(/[aeiouAEIOU]/g)?.length || 0;
console.log(countVowels("hello")); // Output: 2
11. Write a function factorial(n)
that returns the factorial of a number using recursion.
function factorial(n) {
if (n === 0 || n === 1) return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
console.log(factorial(5)); // Output: 120
12. Write a function fibonacci(n)
that returns the nth Fibonacci number using recursion.
function fibonacci(n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Output: 8
13. Write a function getSquare(num)
that returns the square of a number.
function getSquare(num) {
return num * num;
console.log(getSquare(4)); // Output: 16
14. Write a function multiplyByTwo(arr)
that multiplies each element of an array by 2.
function multiplyByTwo(arr) {
return => num * 2);
console.log(multiplyByTwo([1, 2, 3])); // Output: [2, 4, 6]
15. Write a function isPalindrome(str)
that checks if a string is a palindrome.
function isPalindrome(str) {
const reversed = str.split('').reverse().join('');
return str === reversed;
console.log(isPalindrome("madam")); // Output: true
console.log(isPalindrome("hello")); // Output: false
16. Write a function filterNumbers(arr)
that filters out only the numbers from an array.
function filterNumbers(arr) {
return arr.filter(item => typeof item === 'number');
console.log(filterNumbers([1, 'a', 2, 'b'])); // Output: [1, 2]
17. Write a function sumDigits(num)
that returns the sum of the digits of a number.
function sumDigits(num) {
return num.toString().split('').reduce((sum, digit) => sum + Number(digit), 0);
console.log(sumDigits(123)); // Output: 6
18. Write a function convertToUpper(str)
that converts a string to uppercase.
function convertToUpper(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
console.log(convertToUpper("hello")); // Output: "HELLO"
19. Write a function convertToLower(str)
that converts a string to lowercase.
function convertToLower(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
console.log(convertToLower("HELLO")); // Output: "hello"
20. Write a function calculateArea(radius)
that calculates the area of a circle.
function calculateArea(radius) {
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
console.log(calculateArea(5)); // Output: 78.53981633974483
21. Write a function sortArray(arr)
that sorts an array in ascending order.
function sortArray(arr) {
return arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(sortArray([4, 2, 8, 1])); // Output: [1, 2, 4, 8]
22. Write a function isLeapYear(year)
that checks if a year is a leap year.
function isLeapYear(year) {
return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || (year % 400 === 0);
console.log(isLeapYear(2020)); // Output: true
console.log(isLeapYear(2021)); // Output: false
23. Write a function generateRandom(min, max)
that generates a random number between min
and max
function generateRandom(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
console.log(generateRandom(1, 100)); // Output: A random number between 1 and 100
24. Write a function countWords(str)
that counts the number of words in a string.
function countWords(str) {
return str.split(' ').filter(Boolean).length;
console.log(countWords("Hello world! This is JavaScript.")); // Output: 5
25. Write a function parseJSON(str)
that parses a JSON string and handles errors.
function parseJSON(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch (error) {
return 'Invalid JSON';
console.log(parseJSON('{"name": "John"}')); // Output: { name: "John" }
console.log(parseJSON('{name: John}')); // Output: Invalid JSON
26. Write a function convertToDate(str)
that converts a string into a Date object.
function convertToDate(str) {
return new Date(str);
console.log(convertToDate("2022-01-01")); // Output: Sat Jan 01 2022 ...
27. Write a function generateID()
that returns a random 8-character alphanumeric string.
function generateID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 8);
console.log(generateID()); // Output: Random 8-character string (e.g., "abc12345")
28. Write a function addToArray(arr, item)
that adds an item to the end of an array.
function addToArray(arr, item) {
return arr;
console.log(addToArray([1, 2], 3)); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
29. Write a function removeFromArray(arr, item)
that removes an item from an array.
function removeFromArray(arr, item) {
const index = arr.indexOf(item);
if (index !== -1) {
arr.splice(index, 1);
return arr;
console.log(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3], 2)); // Output: [1, 3]
30. Write a function shuffleArray(arr)
that shuffles the elements of an array randomly.
function shuffleArray(arr) {
for (let i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]]; // Swap elements
return arr;
console.log(shuffleArray([1, 2, 3, 4])); // Output: Randomly shuffled array
Conclusion :
These questions will give you a great range of practice, from simple functions to more advanced topics involving recursion, array manipulation, closures, and async programming. Try experimenting with variations of each!